Saturday, May 19, 2012

On Mobile Blogging

        Apparently, it is not enough that there are websites (such as this one) whose sole purpose in existing is to allow people with no real qualifications or right (such as myself) to spout off about, well, whatever.
        No, this is not enough.
        Now, there must be a way for this inane blabbering to occur whenever a thought strikes me. Yes, I am referring to mobile blogging.
        As it is, I am typing this blog post on my phone. You don't want to know anything further about the geographic location of me or my phone, although I'm sure your vivid imaginations can come up with some creative theories.
        Whatever it is, wherever I am, now, I can whip out my phone and start drafting a post so that the (questionable) brilliance of whatever idea that struck me does not have time to mellow, does not give me time to ponder whether or not it was, in fact, the best of ideas, nor for me to truly have a chance and re-read what is quite possibly the longest run-on sentence typed on a mobile phone since last night.
        In short, this is probably a bad thing. I'm going to love it.

1 comment:

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